Becoming a teacher requires hands-on learning. Upon admission to the program, our dedicated team of Placement Specialists will work with you to find a USC-approved placement site in or near your community. We will identify a guiding teacher at your placement site to mentor you and ensure that you meet teaching benchmarks.
Teacher Practice and Preparation
By the end of your field experience, you will have:
- The skills and confidence to assume responsibility for the full course load in your host classroom
- A teaching portfolio demonstrating the skills and knowledge gained during Application of Curriculum and Instruction (ACAI)
- A video recording of your teaching performance for evaluation by instructors and peers as part of the final review process
Integrating Theory and Practice
Fieldwork is integrated throughout the entire program, so you’ll have a number of opportunities to apply what you learn to real-world school settings near you. Each term brings a new level of hands-on learning alongside your guiding teacher.
Term 1
View and analyze videos of teaching that mirror the sociocultural environment you will be working in.
Term 2
Plan, rehearse and practice pedagogy in a virtual setting and a real classroom.
Term 3
Plan, practice and develop sophisticationin your pedagogy in a real classroom. You’ll plan and deliver lessons by the middle of the term.
Field Placement Availability
Your school placement will be 4 full days a week, arriving 30 minutes prior to the first bell and remaining at the School at least 30 minutes after dismissal in accordance with your site supervisor’s schedule. We are unable to arrange exclusive summer, evening or weekend placement.
Faculty Support
You’ll have the support you need to become a successful teacher. Throughout your fieldwork, you will receive constant feedback from your professor. You will be encouraged to take risks, try new pedagogies and sharpen your classroom skills in a safe, supportive environment.